All About LT Apps
Learning Tigrigna language is the gateway to enjoying the various layers of Tigrigna culture as reflected by the language – the proverbs, poems, literature, art, and music all become accessible with the knowledge of the language. Your journey of learning Tigrigna language will lead you to its corresponding culture and social connection.
Geez (ግእዝ) is a script used as a syllable alphabet. It has been adapted into Fidel (meaning alphabet) to write many languages, of which Tigrigna is one. Each Fidel represents a CV (Consonant Vowel combination) syllable, so the alphabet is without a vowel. For the representation of sounds, the Fidel writing system uses strokes and circles….
But you do not have to read long articles to understand the Fidel writing system. LearnTigrigna is a series of mobile and web applications, totally interactive learning media, that lets you easily understand the Fidel Tigrigna alphabet system as you interact and have fun with it.

Features That Matter
The Reasons You’ll Love It
You will never get bored with outdated explanations and exersises, there is no such thing with LernTigrigna appsEffective Game-Based Learning
Game based learning is the best way to combat this issue, as not only the games will eas the learning process but it will keep the user engaged with the learning.
Vocabulary memory retention is vital for learners that need to reach their fluency like a native speaker.Vocabulary Repetition Throughout The Lessons
LearnTigrigna apps are great tools to help memorize new Tigrigna words and phrases, a wide-range useful exercises that are extremely helpful in learning a small number of words in a natural and engaging manner
All-of-it on One Platform
LearnTigrigna apps allow the user to listen, speak, read & write all-at-one-place – Convenience and focus are guaranteed.Immersive Learning Technique
There is no need to load another screen or download another app, as users are able to do all-at-one-place within the app. This contributes to effective learning as the learner remains focused and immersed in the learning.
Speaking & Reading
As words are repeated back when clicked on them, learners will have the stimulus of repeating that word back.Practice Speaking & Reading Simultaneously
Speaking and reading are two of the main concepts of LearnTigrigna apps. While familiarizing yourself with the grammar structure, you’ll also practice the language’s tone, accent, and pronunciation.
Video Integration
Short video illustrations and lessons accompany the courses in places where a further detailed explanation is required.Usage of Quality Video Illustrations
LearnTigrigna apps are feature-rich language-learning multimedia apps. Learners are guided through the app and given useful video-illustrated information all along the language course, well-designed effective learning aids.Interesting Learning Process
The users look forward to using LearnTigringa apps to learn the language because it is fun and interestingQuality learning resources
LearnTigrigna is not stuffed with unnecessary features. There is no compromising with the quality of lesson presentation by offering an extensive list of numerous language courses that may not even be useful to the user.
Game-Based Learning
Fun Quizzes
Game-based quizzes change up the day-to-day routine, it helps to make your next session all the more fun. A nice break from a pen-and-paper exam, a quiz that contains interactive elements is a great and unique way to see what you know and what knowledge gaps there may be. Interactive fun quizzes make LearnTigrigna exciting.
About LT apps

Hi! I am Asfaha Zekarias, I would like to tell you how it all started.
Like anything, it started with an idea. When I began the journey of building LearnTigrigna apps, I envisioned mobile & web Tigrigna language learning applications that would be tailor-made for the Eritrean families in the diaspora struggling to teach their kids to read-write-listen-speak Tigrigna and not really having much luck with it.
My goal is to make Tigrigna programs that empower Eritreans in the diaspora to pursue their own curiosity and motivate them to learn at their own pace. In short, I wanted to create an engaging Tigrigna language learning experience that really works.
LearnTigrigna series is a mobile and web applications program tailor-made for the Eritreans born and raised in the diaspora to teach them to read-write-listen-speak Tigrigna. The program uses a variety of learning styles that work best for each one and creates an engaging learning experience that really works.
I am committed to providing a learning environment to anyone who wants to learn Tigrigna Language. Every educational activity is fun for children and adults as well.
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